Stop comparison and paralyzation

Hear me say it and say it loud. Stop the comparison game, it only leads to paralyzation. It is the bad road of depression and zero progression towards your goals and creative expression. Yes, we as creatives, artists, and doers will fight it at some point in our life and career. None of us can avoid it. Once you start to understand it is a universal issue and turn your focus inward, that is when change ultimately begins.

I am 110% guilty of comparing my work, content and career to others, but you never know exactly what they have gone through to get where they are. And that goes for yourself as well. People do not know the internal struggles and sacrifices you took to get where you are now. Shift that perspective from outward to inward. Pause, take a moment to be grateful for where you are now because it wasn’t where you were a year ago or even five years ago. Change is inevitable. Know there is always room for improvement, but relish in your good & proud moments too. Be proud of what you have accomplished and how far you have come.

It is so easy to see how society is suffocating us with this false illusion of successfulness. Everyone is perfect. Everyone is successful. No one has bad days. It is almost like we are perfect little human robots with zero problems. This is a core problem in our ecosystem of constant connectedness. Create, compare, have a super high then hit a super low. Break the cycle! I say call for balance. Self critique is great, but do not do it to the point of going down a rabbit hole of she/he did this better than me. Then that starts the million questions in your head. It is a dangerous road. Instead switch how you focus.

Always end your day saying something positive or something you are grateful for in your life.

I did this well…

I am grateful for…

I have peace about…

I release and end my day with…

I learned and grew from this how…

It really affects your mental health and stability of how you start and finish your days. Never go to bed with something bothering you and never rise letting something ruin the rest of your day. Balance and focus that is what will help stop the cycle.

Sending all love and light to you and others.